Minoura LiveTraining app review

iPhone or iPad app for turbo trainer users

Our rating



Published: January 29, 2013 at 10:00 am

Our review
Slightly clunky, but cheap and convenient for detailed training data and entertainment

Minouras turbo trainer-linked iPhone/iPad app adds ‘virtual ride’ interest and power data to turbo sessions. You can record or download routes (via Minoura’s Live Cycling app, Strava or any .TCX, .KML or .GPX files).

Pedal and you move along the route in basic or satellite photo format, at a realistic speed with increased resistance prompts on climbs. Gradient sampling is every 500m so it’s not that accurate, but cadence, power, speed and HRM feedback are detailed and you can do power based sessions.

You need a compatible turbo trainer (£249.99-£369.99) plus ANT+ dongle and sensors (£155, paligap.cc) but it’s a much cheaper alternative to PC-linked VR trainers.

This article was originally published in Triathlon Plus magazine, available on Zinio.

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