I think I was a bit lucky...

I think I was a bit lucky...

I'm glad I only noticed my herniated tyre at the end of my 60-miler!

Published: March 30, 2009 at 9:00 am

We've been having a run of bad biking luck here at the Plus. During the cold snap tech ed Simon slipped on some ice and bruised both his body and his ego. Next up I had a little off while descending – I'm still not back to my devilshly handsome self – and then, last week, art editor Woz broke ribs and fractured his collarbone in a spectacular spill. Yesterday, though, CPlus's cycling karma turned good again.

Forty miles or so into a ride with Triathlon Plus's new editor Liz, I hit a stone and 'pfffffffffffffffft....' my inner-tube went instantly. Obviously, I possess superior bike handling skills...and I was going slowly so no major drama here. Anyway, change the tube, check the tyre over and away. The final 20-miles of the ride was over some lovely rolling roads with some nice, fast downhill blasts.

Back home and I noticed that the stone had done just a little more damage than I first thought – as you can see from the pic Mr Tube is quite keen to have a peak at the outside world! If I'd noticed this during the ride, I'd have probably got off and walked it on in – I'm still suffering a bit of crash induced wussiness on descents. Knowing I had another potential big bang and tarmac/face love-in on the way would have turned me into a gibbering mess. Better buy a Lotto ticket this week...