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Everybody needs friends - even cycling magazines.

Published: December 22, 2008 at 1:24 pm

When I spent some time as a freelancer my entire 'career' seemed to consist of writing 'witty' status updates on Facebook. You know things like 'Rob is unemployed/broke/desperate to get a job on a cycling magazine.' Now I have a full-time job I, of course, never look at Facebook.

Okay, I sometimes look at Facebook but, if you're reading this in the Future IT department, it's purely for work purposes. Cycling Plus, you see, appears to have a 'Fan' page. And it's making me a little sad – as I write we've only got 68 fans! And one of them is me, then there's my father-in-law, brother-in-law and a former CPlus marketing lady! So that leaves just 'true' 64 fans.

So come on, cheer me up over Christmas - become a fan of Cycling Plus. Swell the ranks of CPlusites...Let's catch Bicycling magazine – it's currently looking down on us with a mighty 240 fans. And what's in it for you? Erm, nothing but a warm glow....