Walking your favourite trails

Walking your favourite trails

How many times do we just ‘ride’ our favourite trails, often taking the same ‘safe’ line that we worked out long ago.

Published: July 3, 2009 at 12:00 pm

How many times do we just ‘ride’ our favourite trails, often taking the same ‘safe’ line that we worked out long ago.

Over the Easter weekend, I walked my favourite trail with my dad and his dog. Casting aside the usual ‘I wish I was on my bike instead’ thoughts, I began surveying the trail with fresh eyes. In doing so, I spotted so many alternate lines, some experimental, some a little crazy, but all doable.

It suddenly made sense why the professional downhillers always walk the course, sometimes numerous times. The ground can make more sense when walking or stationary, compared to rolling over it on a full suspension bike, especially when you can chew over the lines with other riders.

Momentarily my train of thought was broken, as a rider on an original Turner 5 Spot came whizzing around the corner that we were stood looking at. But, instead of longing to be on his bike, I was happier thinking this:

‘From my perspective, mate, you got that corner all wrong.’