BBB Highpower light review

Not perfect but great value

Our rating



Published: October 29, 2009 at 12:00 pm

Our review
Outstanding run times and workable output for £100 make the BBB a bargain

The BBB Highpower is cheap for a modular unit, but it surprised us with a long run time (5hr 46min) and bearable brightness.

While most £100 lights use a feeble 1w LED, the BBB’s 3w Cree LED delivers a tightly focused beam that throws enough light to ride steadily on trails/laps you already know.

The battery and metal lamp are small enough to fit onto even crowded bars and bikes. It’s light too (245g), and the mount and connectors have been fine.

Its low punch and peripheral vision mean you can outrun it quickly on twisty sections. There’s little difference between power levels, and the battery warning light comes on very late. The run time is massive though, and for just over £100 it’s great.

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