Ballot for Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 closing soon

Ballot for Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 closing soon

With only a limited number of entries available – have you secured yours?

Ride London

Published: November 22, 2019 at 11:00 am

The 16 August 2020 might sound a long way away off, but that’s the date of Prudential's RideLondon-Surrey sportive next year.

The free ballot for places on the 100-mile route are now open and entries are filling fast, so now's the time to sign up if you hope to take on the famous ride over Box Hill and finish on The Mall.

Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 is a must-do event for anyone looking for the ultimate cycling challenge. You’ll ride on closed roads from the Olympic Park, through the centre of London and Richmond Park and out into Surrey.

RideLondon also offers the opportunity to support a wide range of charities, including charity of the year, Pancreatic Cancer UK.

How to prepare for Prudential RideLondon-Surrey sportive

Training for the ride is a key attraction of the challenge.
Training for the ride is a key attraction of the challenge. - RideLondon

Riding 100 miles with over 4,000 feet of climbing is quite a challenge. The key is to start preparing and upping your fitness well in advance. That means getting in longer rides to increase your endurance as well as shorter, more intense efforts so you’re ready to tackle the steep climbs in the Surrey Hills.

Starting your training early will mean getting out on your bike in the dark, wet conditions of the British winter, and that’s not so easy and takes a measure of willpower. But fortunately, RideLondon’s site has lots of advice on how to train for the event, which includes tips from the pros, as well as help with gear choices, nutrition and staying healthy.

Plus, in association with Zwift, RideLondon offers a 16-week training plan developed by pro trainer Kevin Poulton. Each session lasts around 60 minutes, making it easier to fit into a busy schedule.

You don’t need a smart trainer either; you can follow the plan on the road or in a gym too. But you will definitely want to get out on your bike once the weather improves to test your equipment and nutrition choices, and up your bike handling skills in advance of the big ride.

If you still want to be part of the fun in August, but are not sure that you’re up to the 100-mile route, RideLondon also offers shorter 46- and 19-mile routes – the ballots for these will open early 2020.

“In terms of Prudential RideLondon, to ride around London in a safe environment with a lot of other people, feeling like you’re part of something major is a great feeling, so I’d encourage everyone to take part,” says Dave Brailsford, boss of Team Ineos, who rode the 100-mile route himself last year.

So, if you hope to make the Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 the highlight of your cycling season in 2020, now’s the time to sign up on the event website and enter the ballot for places. It’s free to enter the ballot, so why not give it a go! If you are awarded a place, standard entry to RideLondon 100 costs £79.

If you fancy giving the London course a go on Zwift – trials are available here.