Is this the most matchy cycling kit collection ever?

You'll be hard-pressed to beat this man's collection

Published: June 15, 2018 at 12:00 pm

We all like a well executed cycling costume when we're out on the road. However, we think we might have spotted the man with the most matchy matchiness of them all.

Lee Turner, known to his friends as “Hollywood” has a mind-boggling number of cycling kits. He estimates the current number to be 170, but that’s steadily growing.

Hailing from Melboune, Australia (which has its own fair share of manufacturers making loud and lairy cycling kit) he’s well known on the cycling scene there.

Watch the video above as he pulls helmets, jerseys, shorts, shoes and sunglasses from cupboard after cupboard with no end in sight. And that's not even the end of it, with lots more kit in storage apparently!

It's worth a few minutes of your time, if just for the sheer incredulity you'll feel as kit after kit, each with its own story, gets piled high as he goes through his collection.

Hollywood also has an Instagram page that he regularly updates with his kit of the day. Frankly, we think it's pretty darn excellent!

170 bright, shiny, colourful cycling kits

Video produced by cycling content creator Cam Nicholls