It's 2018 and fixie edits are still cool

Enjoy 7 minutes of impressive fixed gear descending

Published: August 2, 2018 at 6:00 pm

Enjoy seven minutes of oddly compelling fixed gear riding

Believe it or not, but the MASH-inspired edit didn’t die with the end of the fixie boom.

In fact, I would argue that they are going through something of a renaissance just now and this video of San Francisco local Geoff Best bombing — to use the correct fixie parlance — a descent near the Golden Gate Bridge is one of the best I’ve seen.

The seven-minute long video features Best manically spinning his way down a beautiful road before he turns onto a dirt road that quickly becomes a singletrack trail, hopping water bars and scrubbing speed with skids with improbable smoothness all the way.

The strange jungle beats that accompany the video have divided opinion in the BikeRadar office, but it doesn’t make the video any less compelling.

Trust me when I say that this is worth seven minutes of your time.

If you’re looking for more rad fixie edits, check out the rest of videographer Terry Barentsen’s channel, although some of them feature some truly terrifying riding!