New Penhydd mountain bike trail opens at Afan Forest tomorrow - video

New Penhydd mountain bike trail opens at Afan Forest tomorrow - video

South Wales trail centre reveals 7km blue and 14km red trails

Published: November 29, 2013 at 12:00 pm

Afan Forest park will see the opening of two new mountain bike trails on Saturday 30 November.

Cognation, the partnership project behind the new trails, has released this video, filmed by Liam Murphy, to showcase the Blue Scar and red-rated Penhydd loops, which are 7km and 14km in length respectively.

New trail: penhydd - afan forest

Video: New Penhydd trail at Afan Forest

Trail builder Rowan Sorrell said: "The Penhydd hillside has changed massively in the last three-four years… so the trail had to be different. The new blue trail is much more open, it focusses much more on the view and [is] just a nice flowing trail really.

"The Penhydd red trail is the easiest red trail in the Afan valley, so it gives you that next step to progress… and move on to The Wall or White's Level.

"We've managed to save some of the old sections of trail on the red Penhydd; we've still got Sidewinder and Dead Sheep Gully, which were two of the favourite sections."

The original Penhydd trail closed in 2010 and was regarded as a classic among many mountain bikers.