Peaksware revamp TrainingPeaks WKO+

Version 3.0 has new tools for coaches and athletes

Published: January 12, 2010 at 4:00 pm

The latest version of Peaksware's TrainingPeaks WKO+ software provides the same benchmark analysis for both workout and power data as previous versions, but adds new tools and improved data transfer.

Version 3.0 specifically allows data comparison from different workouts or ranges within the same workout in one window, with multi-file/range analysis and quadrant Analysis. It also allows coaches to overlay data sets from two different athletes.

Users can now store all of their data online at no extra cost while coaches can transfer client data directly to or from a TrainingPeaks Professional Edition account. Additionally, the latest version offers flexible licensing, which allows users to enable WKO+ on two computers at the same time.

The online storage also allows users to build routes, share workouts via Facebook and Twitter, record nutrition data and seek advice from a coach or a training plan.

WKO+ version 3.0 still offers the same benefits as previous versions, including the ability to download and analyse workouts from power meters, heart rate monitors and GPS devices.

Free trials are available at: The software is available for $129 (£80 at current exchange rate), while current WKO+ users can upgrade for half price.

Peaksware walks you through wko+ version 3.0 here