Pendleton pedals pink

Second women’s ride for charity announced

Published: September 27, 2009 at 8:00 am

A second Pedal It Pink women-only bike ride has been announced for Sunday 25 October, following the success of the inaugural event.

In April 750 women, led out by Victoria Pendleton, raised £38,000 for the Breast Cancer Campaign on a ride around SeftonPark in Liverpool.

The follow up will take place in Nottingham at the National Watersports Centre on traffic-free park routes. Riders can choose between full or half marathon distances (26.2 or 13.1 miles), or a 5k (3.1 miles) Family Lap that’s also open to children and partners. Entry is £15, £10 or £5 for the respective distances.

Olympic champion and Pedal It Pink ambassador, Victoria Pendleton, rode the first event in April with her mum and said afterwards: “I really enjoyed the event. It was refreshing not to ride on a road for a change. It was quite challenging in some parts, with changing surfaces, but me and my mum had lots of fun and so did the rest of the women out on the course.

“It was so good to see so many women out there supporting such a great cause and everyone was really supportive of one another, clapping and cheering each other on. What a great way to spend a sunny Sunday afternoon!”

Entry to the Nottingham event is now open at