Team BikeRadar Madison gear up for London-Paris

Ragtag crew of roadies blog their preparation for 323-mile challenge

Sportive Photo

Published: April 26, 2012 at 8:50 am

There aren’t many bigger amateur cycling events taking place this summer than HotChillee’s London-Paris ride.

The annual event has grown each year since the first event in 2003 and with 450 riders lining up on the start line at Hampton Court on 21 June, 2012 will be the biggest edition yet.

Among those eyeing up the daunting three-day, 323-mile challenge will be the four-strong unit of Team BikeRadar Madison, a ragtag crew of experienced, and not so experienced, roadies.

One of the team, Madison’s Will Fripp, is, by his own admission, firmly in the latter camp. He’s overweight, he’s a smoker and much prefers selling bikes to riding them. 2012 is going to be different though and is determined to get into the best shape he can before he departs for the Eiffel Tower.

In the run-up to the event, we’ll be following his and his team mates’ progress as they build up to the sporting challenge of their lives. Head over to Cycling Plus’ blog now for the first update.