The bike, a "dangerous" vehicle

The bike, a "dangerous" vehicle

The bicycle is a dangerous means compared to cars


Published: February 13, 2014 at 1:00 pm

Companies and the market are pushing for more and more use of bicycles, but some data remain worrying, because the bike remains the most dangerous means of transport.

The bicycle is a dangerous means. Istat says this in a study done a few months ago. But let's not be alarmed. The figure is relative only (so to speak) to the fact that the mortality rate for cyclists is 0.86 per accident. However, the analysis requires a more in-depth observation. First of all because the study refers only to the provincial capitals and then because only the accidents detected on urban roads have been taken into is more curious to note that instead, in the same study, when we talk about the mortality rate, the numbers change, because the car is at 1.76, the bikes at 1.50 and the bikes at 0.38. instead of mortality puts the number of deaths in relation to the numerator and in the denominator the number of accidents by type of vehicle (here bikes at 0.86, cars at 0.27 and motorcycles at 0.79). Absolutely the indicants concerning cyclists are naturally much less than those involving motorists, but the problem is that the risk that the results of the accident are more serious is comparatively higher.

Calling the bicycle “dangerous” is still an excess and a stretch, and perhaps it would be better to speak of a “vulnerable” vehicle, because it is exposed to the danger that motorvehicles instead represent . There are other data: bicycle accidents are almost 15 times less than those of cars and for every cyclist two pedestrians, 4 motorcyclists and 7 motorists die. The theme of mortality on two wheels is always intertwined with the question related to safety and to the projects that each country and every single municipality should implement to improve the situation. The numbers, in this sense, can help to understand in which direction to move.