Top five cycling games apps - video

Top five cycling games apps - video

Mobile phone bike games to kill time

Published: May 14, 2014 at 3:00 pm

There is no substitute for getting out on the bike, but if you’re confined indoors and have idle moments to kill, we’ve scoped out five smartphone cycling computer games to help you avoid awkward eye contact on the train or doing something useful.

Sure, none of them are in the realms of GTA 5, but check out the video round-up here:

Top five cycling games apps

Video: Best cycling games apps

Our five choices are: Cycling 2013 (iOS/Android), Bike Mahem (iOS/Android), Tour de France 2013 (iOS/Android), Downhill Supreme 2 (iOS/Android) and Chain Reaction Cycles Pro-Cycling (Android).

Complete with dodgy crash physics, suspect vitamins and some 1992 style graphics, the all-free selection is worth a view.

And we know at least one senior member of the BikeRadar team is addicted to Downhill Supreme 2; when we roomed with them on a recent trip, they spent an inordinant time spent with their eyes fixed on their phone made lots of clucking noises.

Have we missed your favourite download off? Let us know in the comments below the video.