Video: A night at Rollapaluza, part 1

Video: A night at Rollapaluza, part 1

Roller racing comp founder explains the concept

Published: March 22, 2012 at 3:00 pm

When roller racing juggernaut Rollapaluza stopped by Bristol's Mud Dock café last month, we didn't need a second invitation to send our crew down and get in on the action.

If you've never tried it, we urge you do seek it out. While they can be booked out for private functions and festivals, it's the country-spanning national series that gets the punters fired up. Thousands compete for the right to compete in the London grand finals, avidly trying to hone their technique for the 500m backs to the wall sprint. The first video of our series sees Rollapaluza founder Caspar Hughes explaining how it all started.

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