Video: BMX rider Tim Knoll racks up 2.5m YouTube views in two days

Video: BMX rider Tim Knoll racks up 2.5m YouTube views in two days

Freestyle BMX stunts in Original Bike Tricks video

Published: May 31, 2013 at 9:04 am

Danny MacAskill, move over, there’s another viral internet star on the scene – BMX stunt rider Tim Knoll, whose 1min 40sec video has had more than 2.5m clicks in two days.

The low-fi, low budget film features Knoll clambering all over his bike, doing some nifty footwork and undertaking intriguing acrobatics involving a basketball hoop… It’s well worth a look.

Knoll filmed the set of stunts in Brew City, Milwaukee.

original bike tricks from tim knoll