Video: Chase Trails Cycle Project reaches lottery awards final

Video: Chase Trails Cycle Project reaches lottery awards final

Winner to be announced on national TV this Saturday

Published: November 3, 2011 at 12:42 pm

We reported earlier this year how volunteer trail building group Chase Trails had reached the semi-finals in the Best Sports Project category of the UK's National Lottery Awards.

Well, now they're in the final, and will find out their fate live on national television this Saturday night. The volunteer group have been designing, building and maintaining mountain bike trails in Cannock Chase, Staffordshire, in partnership with the Forestry Commission, for the past eight years. Their handiwork is enjoyed by thousands of riders each week.

While the public vote is now closed, it'll be those votes that decide the winner this weekend. Should they win, they'll receive £2,000 of extra funding as well as a huge amount of publicity for their cause. Check out their video below for a closer look at the work they’ve been doing.

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