Video: Chris Akrigg rides the Mega Avalanche

Video: Chris Akrigg rides the Mega Avalanche

Endurance downhill race through snow and rock

Published: August 23, 2010 at 11:33 am

In his latest mountain bike video, Mongoose rider Chris Akrigg takes on one of the world’s most challenging downhill mountain bike endurance races, the Megavalanche.

Dropping 2,000 metres on a 30km course, the race takes in mountain-top glaciers, knee deep snow and some almost impossible to ride off-road trails - it’s a route that’s capable of battering both rider and bike, and in this video Akrigg feels the full force of the trails, crashing during qualifying and breaking his saddle in the race.

Akrigg said on hitting the dirt in qualifying: “I had a brilliant start, a couple of people came past me – I wasn’t too bothered about. I were in third place, everything felt good…and then BANG down like a sack of sh1t. Dust in me helmet, dust up me nose. Dust everywhere…”

Watch the full video now:
