Video: Kona check out Amsterdam's cycling culture

Video: Kona check out Amsterdam's cycling culture

10,000-space cycle park in the 'bike capital of the world'

Published: November 19, 2011 at 8:00 am

Think of Amsterdam and one of the first images to spring to mind is the bicycle. The Dutch capital is a city where everybody seems to owns one, and the sight and sound of scores of cyclists whizzing up and down streets is something many take with them when they leave.

The video below explores the culture of bike riding in what's considered by many to be the cycling capital of the world. Paying a visit to the world's largest cycle parking lot, Kona's Mitchell Scott speaks to a few of the people who leave their bikes in the 10,000-capacity, multi-storey building. On the agenda is what makes riding in the city so special and how bikes are passed down through the generations.

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