Video: Mountain biker taken out by antelope

Video: Mountain biker taken out by antelope

Nature dishes out a two-wheel takedown

Published: October 11, 2011 at 9:20 am

South African mountain biker Evan van der Spuy has become an overnight YouTube sensation after footage of him being T-boned by an antelope was uploaded yesterday.

The incident happened as the Team Jeep South Africa rider was taking part in a cross-country race at Albert Falls Dam near Pietermaritzburg, in KwaZulu-Natal province. It was recorded on his teammate Travis Walker's GoPro helmet cam.

Despite taking a kick to the head from the red hartebeest, Evan was up on his feet in seconds. The brunt of the impact seemed to be absorbed by his helmet. He's now the brunt of his mates' jokes, though, and has been nicknamed Buck Norris!

MTBer vs buck