Video: Red Bull Mini Drome

Video: Red Bull Mini Drome

Fun and crashes on the 'world's smallest velodrome'

Published: November 15, 2011 at 12:10 pm

Red Bull bill their Mini Drone as the "world’s smallest velodrome" and they’ve been running contests around the UK all year on the track. The idea is that 100 riders on fixed-gear bikes are pitted against each other in increasingly frantic pursuits, with the fastest across 10 laps progressing to the next round.

The video below, courtesy of Red Bull Media House, amply demonstrates how much fun the racing is, and also how painful it can be when things go wrong! Everyone approaches the Mini Drone with a different technique, some more successfully than others – the incident where one guy stacks it only to be run over by his pursuer is particularly wince-inducing. The bruising crashes look to be part and parcel of the whole experience though – check it out below:

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