Video: Trans-Provence 2012 trailer

Video: Trans-Provence 2012 trailer

Gravity enduro stage race returns this September

Published: January 21, 2012 at 8:00 am

This year's Trans-Provence, a seven-day, 320km, 26-stage gravity enduro race, has long since sold out, and the teaser video below should give you an idea why.

Won by Jerome Clementz, 2011's race featured a Who's Who of world class mountain biking talent, with Nicolas Vouilloz, Fabien Barel and Marc Beaumont all finishing in the top 10. The race is open to anyone though, although the field is limited to 70.

The week-long race is a massive test of all-round technical ability and fitness, rewarding the capacity to descend mountains quickly. 2012's edition, which runs from 22-30 September, starts 15km south east of Gap in Rochebrune and winds up seven days later in Monte Carlo, with the winner being the rider with the fastest overall time.

Though entry has closed, it's worth noting this year's race cost €1,350 if you're considering giving it a shot in 2013. This includes, but is not limited to, accommodation, uplifts, kit transportation, three meals a day and mechanical support. Visit the event website for further details.

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