Video: Trials riders at 400m

Video: Trials riders at 400m

Performing tricks on the Vanoise Express cable car

Alex Berard

Published: July 14, 2011 at 4:22 pm

Some of the world's top trials riders made history by performing stunts 380m above the ground - on the roof of the Vanoise Express cable car in Paradiski, France.

The riders were Vincent Hermance, Guillaume Dunand de Bozel and Kenny Bealey, who performed their stunts for two hours on the morning of 4 July. They were promoting the 15th VTT Trial Master contest, which takes place on 10 August in Peisey-Vallandry, France.

"I have never tried something this crazy before," said Guillaume Dunand. "It was amazing having the three of us together up there."

There were nine cameras located in the cabin and a helicopter hovering nearby to catch all the action. This video should give you a taste of what they did. Don't try this at home folks, even if you do have a cable car...

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