Video: World Cup riders face Monster drop at Fort William

Video: World Cup riders face Monster drop at Fort William

Sam Hill's not fazed, though

James Costley-White/BikeRadar

Published: June 3, 2011 at 10:50 am

Downhill racers are facing some new challenges at this year's second World Cup round in Fort William, Scotland as they take on a freshly revamped course.

There's a new, eye-shaped start hut at the top of Aonach Mor, a blind jump over a pedestrian tunnel dubbed the 'Puggy Pipe', and a huge ladder drop that's officially called the 'Big Doon' but will surely become known as the 'Monster drop', due to the large energy drink banner attached to it.

With a tricky, root-strewn run-up, a fireroad to clear and a super-steep and loose-looking landing into a massive berm, the 'chicken run' down the side is likely to see plenty of use. The top riders won't be daunted though – at least not if the reaction of reigning world champion Sam Hill (Aus|Monster Energy Specialized) is anything to go by.

We'll be at Fort William throughout the weekend, reporting on all the latest tech in the pits, goings-on on the track(s) and post-race action, so stay tuned. You can check out the drop, and Sam's response, in the video clip below:

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