Why Martyn Ashton is one of the most important people in mountain biking

Why Martyn Ashton is one of the most important people in mountain biking

Mountain Biking UK's Andrew Dodd tells the Martyn Ashton story

Robin Kitchin

Published: September 16, 2013 at 12:24 pm

Trials legend Martyn Ashton's accident at a show in Silverstone two weeks ago saw him dislocate two vertebrae in his back. He's now fighting to make a full recovery after losing feeling halfway down his spine.

Over the years, Ashton has been a familiar face in Mountain Biking UK magazine, helping to bring the amazing sport of trials riding to a wider audience and becoming one of the world's most popular stunt riders. He's an inspiration to many mountain bikers and that makes him important.

If you need convincing or just want to know more, read MBUK's features writer Andrew Dodd's blog the Martyn Ashton story, Why Martyn Ashton kicks ass.