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Panda Optics Multi Sport sunglasses review

Panda Optics Multi Sport sunglasses

Our rating



Yogamaya von Bromley / Our Media

Published: July 30, 2023 at 8:00 am

Our review
A good set of sunglasses at a reasonable price, but it isn’t the most original design


Comfortable fit; three lenses included; good lens quality


Unoriginal design; some flare lines in direct sun

The Multi Sport is, as the name suggests, an all-rounder set of sports sunglasses made by UK-based Panda Optics.

Combining a large (but not enormous) shield lens with a half frame design, the Panda Optics Multi Sport sunglasses don’t push the boundaries of cycling glasses design.

Nevertheless, they deliver good performance at a decent price, and don’t suffer any obvious faults.

Panda Optics Multi Sport specification

Panda Optics MultiSport sunglasses
The Multi Sport sunglasses pair a polycarbonate lens with lightweight thermoplastic frames. - Simon von Bromley / Our Media

The Multi Sport frames are made from a thermoplastic called TR90. This is both lightweight and flexible, allowing the frames to conform easily to your head.

The tips of each arm are rubberised for added grip, and the nose piece is also adjustable.

The primary lens is a category 3 mirrored lens with a VLT (Visible Light Transmission) rating of 12.91 per cent, which is colour-matched to the frames.

Panda Optics MultiSport sunglasses
Three lenses are included in the box. - Simon von Bromley / Our Media

In my case, this is cobalt blue and frosted white, although a red and black variant is also available.

With this lens in place, the Multi Sport sunglasses weigh 29g.

Two spare lenses are also included in the package – a category 2 amber lens with a VLT rating of 20.29 per cent and a category 0 clear lens with a VLT rating of 91.47 per cent.

Panda Optics MultiSport sunglasses
At just 29g, the Multi Sport's are competitively light. - Simon von Bromley / Our Media

Panda Optics says these polycarbonate lenses offer “ten times more impact resistance than traditional lens resin”.

Given most cycling-specific sunglasses use polycarbonate lenses these days, this is perhaps something of a moot point, but Panda Optics certainly isn’t the only sunglasses brand to make such claims.

Panda Optics Multi Sport performance

Panda Optics MultiSport sunglasses
Panda Optics' Multi Sport sunglasses are solid performers. - Simon von Bromley / Our Media

In use, the Multi Sports do a good job of not getting in the way of your ride.

The lens is big enough to provide plenty of coverage, and the half-frame design means there’s nothing to block your peripheral vision. Lens clarity is good too, with no noticeable distortion.

I did see some flare lines on the lens with the sun directly in my eyeline, which I couldn’t replicate with a set of 100% Speedcraft sunglasses, for example.

However, given looking directly at the sun isn’t something most people spend much time doing, it doesn’t feel like a deal-breaker.

A photochromic lens option would be nice to have, considering how changeable the weather can be in the UK.

Panda Optics MultiSport sunglasses
The nosepiece is adjustable, which helps tune the fit. - Simon von Bromley / Our Media

Although the nosepiece can be adjusted to fit, the frame is fixed. Regardless, I found the large rubber grippers offered a comfortable and stable fit no matter the road quality.

The six ventilation holes along the top edge of the lens also did a good job of preventing sweat from building up in my eyebrows and dirtying it on hot days.

Style is subjective, but in this instance, I’m not the biggest fan.

The Multi Sport’s look a bit derivative of other brand’s designs and lack originality.

Panda Optics MultiSport sunglasses
The design and branding aren't the most original, but it's not bad either. - Simon von Bromley / Our Media

The logos and fonts used for branding the frames don’t feel particularly modern or premium, either, though these are at least subtle.

Given the two bright colour options make matching them to the rest of your kit tricky (unless all of your kit is cobalt blue or black/red, or you just don’t mind the clash, of course), a wider choice in this area would be nice to have, too.

Panda Optics Multi Sport bottom line

Panda Optics MultiSport sunglasses
At £109, the Panda Optics Multi Sport sunglasses are decent value for money. - Yogamaya von Bromley / Our Media

Overall, the Panda Optics Multi Sport sunglasses offer good performance in most areas and – personal feelings about design aside – don’t have any major flaws.

At £109 they represent decent value for money, though they’re not affordable enough to make it onto our list of cheap cycling sunglasses.

It’s equally possible to spend much more on options from more recognisable brands, of course, but the Multi Sports arguably lack the distinctive design and additional features that many of those offer in return.


Price127.00 EUR,109.00 GBP,139.00 USD
Weight29.0000, GRAM (One size) -


FeaturesFeatures: Multi lens capability, Adjustable nose grip, Ultrasoft temple grip
Bag: Microfibre bag included
Lens: Mirrored, Amber, Clear
Colours: Glacier, Black