Deity’s painted Dirty 30 was one of the first wide-but-light bars that crossed over from DH racing to trail riding, but the powder-coated finish used to take a battering.
This updated version is available in anodized blue, black, green, red or retro purple, though there’s still a semi-painted black and white option.
Underneath, it’s a classic nine-to-five sweep bar with a double-butted construction that won’t break your wrists if you slam a landing too hard.

The new Dirty 30 comes in a range of bright shades
At 760mm it’s a decent width for most occasions, and the 25mm rise has relatively flat tips to keep overall hand height reasonable. If you want more width in a lower bar, we’ve been loving the 787mm wide, 15mm rise Deity Blacklabel bar too, having been testing it on a Lapierre Zesty TR 29er long-term test bike.