The votes are in and we have a clear winner. The above photo of Wasdale in the English Lake District by user Guanajuato was the resounding choice among our readers (and many BikeRadar staffers too).
We had dozens of submissions sent in from all over the world, from California’s Marin County to Barcelona in Spain, and from Basel in Switzerland to riding above the tree line in Col du Galibier, Italy.
Related: BikeRadar photo competition
“My photo is of Wasdale,” Guanajuato told BikeRadar, “looking up towards Kirk Fell, Great Gable and Lingmell, with the famous screes on the opposite side of the lake – Britain's favourite view. It’s a gorgeous place, never the same twice. Even in the pouring rain or mist it has a wild beauty. This one was on a ride with my boss a few weeks ago. I loved the way the low sun was really bringing out the colours. And my shadow just adds a bit.
“I’m dead chuffed to win. I can now tell my daughter I've won a photo competition too, as she won one a few years back (intended for adults, and I entered too)!”
The winning entry was taken on an LG G3 smartphone camera, using the camera app A Better Camera to take three photos at different exposures then combine them for brighter colours and contrast.
Congrats to Guanajuato, we’ll post your Rapha Race Notes and tub of SiS energy gel straight out!
Highly commended

Second-placed entry was by user Sailinbum (above), of “Beautiful light with the horizon hugging the sun during the autumn. Wet road littered with golden pine needles from passing fog on rodgecrest Blvd on Mt Tam in Marin.” Nice job!

The third most popular photo was 'Mourne Mountains in the Mist', taken by wjmarks. “Taken on an autumnal evening ride through Delamont Country Park, Co Down, Northern Ireland, overlooking the area where Game of Thrones was filmed! Great wee part of the world!”
Thanks to everyone who took part, you can check out the complete list of submissions here. We’ll be running a new photo competition soon with new prizes, keep 'em peeled.