Cram-Alert - first look

Cram-Alert - first look

Emergency identification device for solo riders

Oli Woodman/

Published: February 21, 2011 at 2:20 pm

Cram Alert is an identification system designed to provide emergency support for cyclists and other athletes.

It's endorsed by Olympic silver medallist runner Steve Cram and consists of a unique emergency ID number that can be used in conjunction with a 24/7 helpline to easily identify stricken riders.

The alert system is something close to the heart of Cram, whose brother collapsed and died during a training run. “What was so terrible about Kevin’s accident was the fact that he wasn't carrying any ID,” said Cram. “The emergency services were powerless at that point. They couldn't contact me or Kevin’s girlfriend as they had absolutely no idea who he was.”

The idea is that anyone who comes across an injured cyclist spots their Cram-Alert tag and calls the helpline. An emergency response team then contacts their next of kin and accesses their medical records and medication requirements, providing vital information for paramedics or first-aiders at the scene.

The system can also be used to aid the return of lost property, and Cram believes nobody should leave home without it. "This product is about giving peace of mind," he said. "It's something that you hope you'll never have to use, but is there just in case."

The full pack, which costs £15.95, contains two wristbands, two luggage ID tags, five personal belonging stickers and two key fobs. Cover for the first year is included in the cost, with renewal costing £15. This must take place within three months of registration lapsing, at which point you would have to register again for a new ID code. For more information, email or call 020 7856 0444 (UK only).