A novel vibrating bike saddle cover that should get female cyclists’ hearts beating faster is being sold in the UK. Since the toy, dubbed the Happy Ride, aroused world wide interest following a Daily Mail story earlier this week, the online retailers selling it have seen a huge spike in web traffic.
The Happy Ride, which costs £28, uses a hard-wearing nylon outer layer that houses the vibration mechanism. It’s controlled by a small operating panel.
“It’s just something we wanted to get out there,” Paul Waudby, from SexShop365, told BikeRadar. “We’ve been seeing the Tour de France happening, and just generally in London Boris Johnson is trying to push the whole cycling thing, so we just thought it’d be really funny and a good opportunity to get the product out there. We’ve sold loads of them; we can’t really believe it to be honest – we weren’t expecting this kind of response at all”.
Though the product might raise heart rates, Waudby doesn’t anticipate it being a safety concern. “It’s more of a novelty,” he said. “The vibrations are good but I don’t think they’re strong enough to send someone into a stupor. After a long day it’s a bit of a tease before they get home, to sort of brighten the mood.”

The Happy Ride saddle cover is proving popular