Video: Danny Hart, Hart & soul, part 2

Video: Danny Hart, Hart & soul, part 2

Hart’s season lead up to his championship couldn’t be better scripted

Five Ten

Published: March 27, 2012 at 4:33 pm

How do you describe a single, life changing, world championship downhill run that gave just about anyone who watched goose bumps? Five Ten chose 'awe-inspiring'. Yeah it’s that. In the second and final part of Five Ten’s bio-pic Hart & soul, part 2 they bring us Danny Hart’s lead into that final race and the race itself.

The 2009 season was Hart's last as a junior, 2010, his first year senior, and in 2011 he's the new world champion; quite a career path.

“There’s no pressure on me,” says Hart at one point early in part 2 of the series. “I knew if I worked hard, I could go out there and beat them. I don’t think they even though me as a threat coming in, and now I just want to go out there and beat them. I don’t care who they are or how long they’ve been at the top.”

Then there’s the infamous run, which couldn’t have been scripted more perfectly for an underdog upset: Champéry, Switzerland; pouring down rain; Rob Warner commentating; first split: -4.607; split 2: -9.415; across the line: -11.699, with just four riders to come. He ended the day 11.699 seconds better than second place and the new world champion.

From there we know the story, and Hart has a season in a new jersey at just 20 years old.

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“It’s a two-part mini-documentary,” Rich Spencer, Five Ten’s video and photo editor, told BikeRadar, after the release of part 1 “And then we’re going to release the full one, probably in about a month. There'll also be a behind-the-scenes, making-of feature at some point.”

In conjunction with the online premier of Hart & soul, Five Ten are running a Facebook sweepstakes for fans to win Five Ten schwag signed by Hart – they say they’re going to deck you out from head to toe.