Wiggle launches social hub for sharing cycling content

Wiggle launches social hub for sharing cycling content

New platform enables cyclists to contribute via social media


Published: June 26, 2014 at 12:00 pm

Wiggle has created an innovative social media aggregator called the Wiggle Social Hub. It has launched today and provides a way for cyclists to share 'good stuff'.

By using the hashtag #goodstuff anyone can submit cycling-related content via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Your post, subject to moderation, is then added to Wiggle's new hub to enable riders to share recommendations.

Tips, routes, equipment and ideas are among the things that Wiggle hope will be shared. Current posts highlight the differences between tyres, showing off riders' bikes, and plenty of bike selfies thrown in for good measure.

Use the hashtag #goodstuff to submit your post
Use the hashtag #goodstuff to submit your post: use the hashtag #goodstuff to submit your post - www.wiggle.co.uk

Some of the posts that have been shared via the Wiggle Social Hub

The hub will also pull in the best content from Wiggle's guides and blog sites too, including the Wiggle-Honda pro cycling team.

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“Sharing and recommendations are a massive part of my cycling life and the same is true for most of the people I know – be it where we ride, the products we love or the experiences we’ve had,” said Wiggle’s head of brand marketing, Adam Ryan.

“We wanted to create a home for all of the #goodstuff that people love about cycling, a place where cyclists can easily come to find but also share those wonderful moments we all love - such as their favourite new jersey, an amazing route, or their child’s first time on a balance bike – the stuff that makes cycling special.”

The new social hub continues Wiggle's attempts to distance themselves from their more retail-orientated competitors. The Portsmouth-based sports equipment company also sponsors a women's pro cycling team and hosts many sportive events across the country.