Tenth of the Tour final week

We reveal this week's mini challenge winners

BikeRadar Training

Published: July 27, 2012 at 8:02 am

Ninety people are now entered into the prize draw to win our bumper box of cycling goodies, with the BikeRadar Training Tenth of the Tour Challenge.

Do you want a chance to win too? All you need to do is get signed up to the site and start recording your miles. Everyone who logs at least 217.2 miles by 31 July 2012 will be automatically entered into the prize draw.

With only a few days left to go until the Challenge ends, there’s still time to get out this weekend and record your remaining miles.

Alongside the main Challenge, we also have the weekly mini trials for you to try, with members competing in various leaderboards for the chance to win spot prizes.

This week, the prize is a Tour de France themed Mountain Project T-shirt from i-ride.co.uk, which celebrates the Pyrenean Col du Tourmalet climb.

Congratulations go to andrew r, who made the top five leaderboard in the Speed Demon category, and was randomly selected as the T-shirt winner!

Andrew r is our spot prize winner for this week – well done!: andrew r is our spot prize winner for this week – well done! - BikeRadar Training

The rest of the mini challenge titles go to the following riders:

Long Timer: The longest amount of time logged on BikeRadar Training in a week. Congratulations to john.

Speed Demon: The reward for the fastest time recorded this week goes to Julian Downing.

Young 'uns: This prize goes to the youngest rider in the week's top five distance leaderboard – this week, the title is awarded to Chris Bass.

Session It: The most sessions logged on BikeRadar Training in a week – well done, Chris Bass.

Mountain Goat: 1tal is the person who's done the most climbing this week.

Tenth of the tour prize: - BikeRadar Training

Complete 217.2 miles before 31 July 2012 for your chance to win the goodies above!

Remember, to be entered into the prize draws you must have a completed profile and given yourself a unique username. All users with the default 'Your name here' persona will not be entered into the prize draws.

If you're ready to get involved, it's simple:

1. Sign up to BikeRadar Training.

2. Start logging miles.

3. Check on the leaderboards to see where you stand.

We'll do the rest! Just check back next Wednesday to see where you stand and find out who's won the Tenth of the Tour Challenge.

BikeRadar Training is a free online resource for you to record and analyse all aspects of your training, log your training routes, get yourself tailored training plans, see how you're doing on our leaderboards, set goals and plan your season with a comprehensive events guide.